Emergency Mobile Truck, Trailer, Reefer Repairs, Towing - E.R.S. Corp.
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Vendor Information Form
Are you interested in becoming one of our preferred service providers?

E.R.S. Corp. is always interested in expanding our network of service providers in order to provide our customers with the fastest emergency road services possible.

We are looking for service providers who are committed to providing a high quality of service at a fair price. Our service providers should also have well maintained and safe equipment at all times. Proof of adequate and up-to-date liability insurance must also be supplied to E.R.S. Corp.

E.R.S. Corp. can provide you with the following:

New Business Calls: You will indirectly receive service calls from any one of E.R.S. Corp.’s customer base, which will increase your sales and your exposure in the transportation industry.

Experienced Dispatchers: All of the service calls you receive from E.R.S. Corp. will come from experienced Emergency Service Representatives who will give you clear and accurate information.

Timely and Accurate Payment: From day one, E.R.S. Corp.’s policy has been to provide prompt payment to all of our vendors. Our goal is to keep all of our vendors as happy as possible which means making consistent payments.

A Nationwide Emergency Roadside Assistance Plan: Provide your local customers with emergency roadside assistance outside of your area and increase your customers satisfaction and loyalty to your company.

Becoming an E.R.S. Corp. vendor is quick and easy. Click on the ‘Become A Customer’ button below and you will find our ‘Vendor Information Form’. You will be asked to complete a series of questions designed to convey your companies specific information to the E.R.S. Corp. management team. After completing the form, please click on the ‘Submit’ button.

Once you have submitted your application to become a vendor, a member of E.R.S. Corp.’s management team will contact you. If you have any questions or if you would like to request additional information,
please call 905-277-2377 or Toll Free at 1-866-MY-ERS-24/7.

Emergency Mobile Truck, Trailer, Reefer Repairs, Towing - E.R.S. Corp.

emergencyroadservices.com © 2008

Emergency Road Services Corporation is a Canadian based company which coordinates emergency break down services for the trucking industry throughout the United States and all ten Canadian provinces which include British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Our 24 hour services include emergency road side truck repairs, trailer repairs, tire repair or replacements, towing (heavy, medium and light duty) and recovery services, reefer/heater repairs, boost (no-start) services, lock-out services and fuel delivery (diesel or gas). Our mission is to provide the fastest, most cost effective emergency road services in Canada and the United States in order to reduce our customer’s downtime and operating expenses. When you think of Emergency Road Services Corporation, think of us as a part of your emergency road services solutions team.